1. 生物可降解高分子材料;
2. 胶体的结构与性能;
3. 有机/无机多孔材料的制备;
4. 活性聚合;
5. 高分子成型加工技术。
1. 课内课外联动培养主动创新能力的化学化工人才的方案与实践,江苏省教学成果二等奖;
2. 生物可降解聚酯新材料的开发与应用,中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖;
3. 多组分、高性能的高分子微球乳液的制备及产品应用,中国轻工业联合会科技进步二奖;
4. 功能化高分子微球的制备及其应用,中国石油与化工工业协会发明三等奖;
5. 高性能聚合物包装材料的开发与应用,中国轻工业联合会发明三等奖;
6. 江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人;
7. 江苏省“六大人才高峰”A类资助计划。
1. 特殊形态高分子媒介负载金属纳米粒子及其结构与性能研究,国家自然科学基金;
2. 交联型多组分聚合物颗粒的制备与模拟油层堵水构效关系的研究,国家自然科学基金;
3. 含芳环结构可降解共聚物的制备与膜性能调控研究,国家自然科学基金;
4. 螯合模板剂导向介孔复合材料的可控制备与性能研究,国家自然科学基金;
5. 特大桥梁缆索用聚乙烯护套材料的耐久性研究,“十一五”科技支撑计划子课题;
6. 可降解新型绿色防腐保鲜包装材料安全评价及示范,“十二五”科技支撑计划子课题;
7. 纳颗粒材料的制备技术,江苏省高等学校优秀科技创新团队。
1. Shi DJ, Ran MS, Zhang L, Huang H, Li XJ, Chen MQ*, Akashi M. Studies on preparation of polylactide-poly(3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) copolymers and effect of the structure of the copolymers on their properties, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (22), 13688-13697.
2. Dong LL, Zhang CF, Bai YX, Shi DJ, Li XJ, Zhang HJ, Chen MQ*. High-performance 2533-functional MMT mixed matrix membrane containing high-speed facilitated transport channels for CO2/N2 separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4, 3486-3496.
3. Dong LL, Chen MQ*, Li J, Shi DJ, Dong, WF, Li XJ, Bai YX. Metal-organic framework-graphene oxide composites: A facile method to highly improve the CO2 separation performance of mixed matrix,Journal of Membrane Science, 2016,520,801-811.
4. Shi DJ, Ran MS, Zhang L, Huang H, Li XJ, Chen MQ*, Akashi M. Preparation of glucose responsive polyelectrolyte capsules with shell crosslinking via layer-by-layer technique and sustained release of insulin, Polymer Chemistry, 2016, 7, 6779-6788.
5. Dong L, Chen MQ*, Wu X, Shi DJ, Dong, WF, Zhang HJ. Multi-functional polydopamine coating: Simultaneous enhancement of interfacial adhesion and CO2 separation performance of mixed matrix membranes, New Journal Chemistry, 2016,40,9148-9159.
6. Tang L,Duan F,Chen MQ*. Silver nanoparticle decorated polyaniline/multiwalled super-short carbon nanotube nanocomposites for supercapacitor applications, RSC Advances. 2016, 69,65012-65019.
7. Xu PW, Ma PM*, Cai X, Song S, Zhang Y, Dong WF, Chen MQ*, Selectively cross-linked poly (lactide)/ethylene-glycidyl methacrylate-vinyl acetate thermoplastic elastomers with partial dual-continuous network-like structures and shape memory performances. European Polymer Journal,2016, 84,1-12.
8. Duan F, Zhang QH, Wei CJ, Shi DJ, Chen MQ*, One-pot synthesis of double- shelled ZnV2O4 hollow nanostructures via a template-free route. Materials Letters. 2013, 92(1): 231-234.
9. Dong WF, Li HL, Chen MQ*, Ni ZB, Biodegradable bio-based polyesters with controllable photo-crosslinkability thermal and hydrolytic stability. Journal of Polymer Research. 2011, 18(6): 1239-1247.
10. Niu K, Liang LM, Gu Y, Ke L, Duan F, Chen MQ*, Fabrication and photoluminescent properties of ZnO/Mesoporous silica composites templated by a chelating surfactant. Langmuir. 2011, 27(22): 13820-13827.
1. 一种可降解的聚羟基脂肪酸酯, ZL201410306264.X
2. 基于聚乳酸的新型可降解聚酯及其制备方法, ZL201510028517.6
3. 用于制造乒乓球的聚氯乙烯材料及其制备方法, ZL201510054786.X
4. 一种含硼、氮的聚乙二醇脂肪酸酯表面活性剂, ZL201410306261.6
5. 一种表面形貌和性能可控的光敏性可降解梳状共聚物膜, ZL201310409778.3
6. 一种环糊精聚合物/蒙脱石复合材料及其制备方法, ZL201310409866.
7. 一种基于聚乙烯醇大分子单体制备功能性微球的方法, ZL2013105085270
8. 一种不溶性硫磺高效稳定剂及其制备方法, ZL201210455530.6
9. 一种具有光活性的三元双亲性聚酯的制备方法, ZL200910264545.2
10. 一种可生物降解荧光聚酯共聚物的制备方法,ZL200910026721.9
通讯地址:无锡市蠡湖大道1800号 江南大学化学与材料工程学院
Fax: 0510-85917763
Email: mqchen@jiangnan.edu.cn